HB 2093 is on the agenda to be heard by the House Health and Human Services Committee tomorrow (1/28/25) at 8 AM.
If this bill is important to you, let the Delegates who serve on this committee know why! You can leave public comments in support of the bill at this link:
HB 2093 was favorably reported out of the House subcommittee with a vote of 6-2 on January 23rd. It is now in the House Health and Human Services Committee. Although we have no definitive date for when HB 2093 will be heard, we expect it will be heard by the committee this week. The HHS Committee meets on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, so it is very possible it will be on the agenda for Tuesday.
Ask Committee Members to Support!
We need your help in contacting the members of the House Health and Human Services Committee, asking them to vote YES on HB 2093. You will find a list of the committee members along with their phone number and email address below. Click here for sample email messages that you can modify as necessary.
Additionally, you can submit public comment on HB 2093 here:
Also, if you receive a reply with any feedback from a Delegate or their staff, please forward the message to [email protected] to help us in identifying any issues that we need to address.
HB 2093 was voted favorably out of subcommittee this morning with a vote of 6-2 and one abstention. The next step will be a hearing by the House Heath and Human Services Committee. This committee meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so we will work over the next few days to continue educating members of the committee about the bill and the need to restore equality to adopted persons.
If you have not yet had the opportunity to contact the Delegates with your support, you can still submit public comment or email your support to the subcommittee members.
Delegate Katrina Callsen (D) – County of Albemarle (part); City of Charlottesville and Delegate Debra Gardner (D) – County of Chesterfield (part) have signed on as Chief Co-Patrons to House Bill 2093, patroned by Wendell Walker (R) – County of Campbell (part); City of Lynchburg. HB 2093 is a bill that would restore the right of Virginia-born adopted persons to their original birth certificate at the age of 18. A right that they had prior to 1967. This is an important bill to ensure that adopted people are not discriminated against and have the same equal rights as all other people in the commonwealth.
As we have seen across the country, with similar bills being passed in both Democrat and Republican controlled legislatures, adoptee rights is not a partisan issue. Kansas and Alaska never sealed OBCs from adult adoptees. As of July 2024, thirteen more states have restored unrestricted access to adult adopted persons – Alabama, Colorado, Connecticut, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Dakota, and Vermont.
We are appreciative of Delegates Callsen, Gardner, and Walker for recognizing that ensuring all people have the same equal rights is not a blue or red issue, but the necessary moral and ethical action.
Delegate Katrina Callsen (D)
Delegate Debra Gardner (D)
“It is easy to think that problematic laws are in the long-forgotten past, but they are not and the impact can extend generations.”
The 2025 legislative session is underway and Delegate Wendell Walker has introduced a new bill to allow adult adoptees to obtain their original birth certificates in Virginia. This bill is identical to the previous session’s bill, with the addition of a contact preference form. This is a good, clean bill that we encourage you to support.
HB 2093 has been assigned to the House HHS Behavioral Health Subcommittee. Although we have no definitive date for when HB 2093 will be heard, this committee meets weekly on Thursdays at 7:30 AM.
Your Help Is Needed
We need your help in contacting the members of the House HHS Behavioral Health Subcommittee, asking them to vote YES on HB 2093.
We have made this easy for you by including the contact information for the subcommittee members below, along with a sample message that you can modify as necessary. Also, please forward any replies or feedback that you receive from a Delegate or their staff, to [email protected], to help us in identifying any issues that we need to address.
Subject: Vote YES on HB 2093 – Adult Adoptee Access to Original Birth Certificates
Dear [Delegate’s Name],
As an adopted person, I am writing to express my unwavering support for HB 2093 (Adult adoptee access to original birth certificate) and request your favorable vote in the upcoming House Health and Human Services – Behavioral Health Subcommittee meeting.
HB2093 simply restores the right of adult adopted persons, born in Virginia, to obtain their own original birth certificate without hindrances. I firmly believe adult adopted people should be treated with dignity, respect, and as equals under the law to non-adopted citizens of Virginia.
I am personally affected by this bill and I strongly encourage you to support HB2093, as written, by voting YES! Your affirmative vote will help advance adoption policies towards a more inclusive and compassionate direction.
Sincerely, [INSERT YOUR NAME] [INSERT YOUR CITY AND STATE – If you live in Virginia]
Sample Message for Birth/First Parents
Subject: Birth Parent requesting YES vote on HB 2093 – Adult Adoptee Access to Original Birth Certificates
Dear [Delegate’s Name],
As a birth/first parent with a deep commitment to the well-being of individuals affected by adoption, I am reaching out to express my strong support for HB 2093. I kindly urge you to vote favorably for this crucial bill when it comes before you in the HHS Behavioral Health Subcommittee.
HB 2093 holds particular significance as it seeks to restore the essential right of adult adopted individuals, born in Virginia, to obtain their original birth certificates without unnecessary barriers. I firmly believe in the importance of treating adult adoptees with dignity, respect, and equality under the law, ensuring they have the same rights as non-adopted citizens of Virginia.
I sincerely hope you will consider the importance of HB 2093 and support it, as written. Your positive vote will contribute to a more inclusive and compassionate approach to adoption policies.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Sincerely, [INSERT YOUR NAME] [INSERT YOUR CITY AND STATE – If you live in Virginia]
Sample Message for Virginia Residents
Subject: Vote YES on HB 2093 – Adult Adoptee Access to Original Birth Certificates
Dear [Delegate’s Name],
As your constituent, I am requesting your favorable vote in support HB 2093 (Adult adoptee access to original birth certificate) in the upcoming House Health and Human Services – Behavioral Health Subcommittee meeting.
HB2093 simply restores the right of adult adopted persons, born in Virginia, to obtain their own original birth certificate without hindrances. I firmly advocate for treating adult adoptees with dignity, respect, and equality under the law, the same as non-adopted citizens of Virginia.
This bill is very important to me and my family and I enthusiastically urge you to support HB 2093 by voting YES!